Just Tired

I survived camp.  It was pretty good, the hardest part was lack of sleep.  You would think I’d be used to that but I was averaging less than 5 hrs a night, my usual is 7.  I checked on my daughter at 2am, like normal but her alarms would go off at other times too and sometimes it was hard to hear. Another hard part was getting 12 girls to shower everyday.  We only had about 30-45 minutes in the morning, and 30-45 minutes in the evening before bed.  But I really enjoyed parts of it like getting to know some of the girls better and I helped with the daily newspaper which I really liked too (being in the a/c for most of the day helped).  I didn’t always know what I was supposed to do but tried to pitch in when I could.  I did sneak in a nap for a few minutes on the last two days so that helped a little too.

Next week my daughter goes to another camp, one for kids with Type 1.  I will use that week to catch up with sleep and hopefully see some friends too. My son will be at my in-laws so it gives me an extra little break.

After that we head to the beach for a week and even thought it’s our vacation, we will still be dealing with Type 1 as it never goes on vacation.

Going to Camp

As I mentioned in some other posts, I am going to camp as a counselor this year.  One reason I am going is because of last year (See not-a-happy-camper). However, it’s not the only reason – I took over as club co-leader this year and thought it would be a good experience to be there with some of the kids from the club, we have quite a few going for the first time.  I have always loved 4-H and when I was young I envisioned being a counselor forever (many do).  I am a little nervous about being around so many kids constantly as I am not really used to that but hopefully it will be a fun time.

My daughter has been doing fine and since she has a pump she really won’t even need to see the nurse often, really only for a site change and sensor change unless there is a problem.  I’ll be doing her night checks and told here that was the only time to consider me “mom” and not her club leader. I did say she had to pretend to like me some – lol.

Hope I have some good stories after my week at camp.

Day 7 Diabetes Blog Week: Continuing Connections

Today’s topic:  Favorites and Motivations

The very first inspiration for Diabetes Blog Week was to help connect our blogging community, and that continues to be the most important reason it’s held every year.  So let’s help foster and continue those connections as we wrap up another Dblog Week.  Share a link to a new blog you’ve found or a new friend you’ve made.  Or pick a random blog off of the Participant’s List, check it out and share it with us.  Let’s take some time today to make new friends.


We were at our JDRF walk yesterday so I didn’t get to post. (It was a lovely day for the walk!)

I really enjoy Dblog week and have tried to visit lots of new sites this year,  I have so many already added to my Newsblur reader and my WordPress reader that I follow, but I always enjoy finding more.

First I want to thank Karen for holding Dblog week and getting the DOC community a chance to reach out and support one another.

I want to thank Kelly for her comments this week.

New to me this week:

Ones I been following and still enjoy

Thanks everyone who visited during the week!

Day 6 Diabetes Blog Week: Favorites and Motivations

Today’s topic:  Favorites and Motivations

If you have been blogging for a while, what is your favorite sentence or blogpost that you have ever written?  Is it diabetes related or just life related?  If you are a new blogger and don’t have a favorite yet, tell us what motivated you to start sharing your story by writing a blog?  (Thank you Laddie of Test Guess and Go for suggesting this topic.)

I missed Saturday’s Post so I’m playing catch up.  This was an early post less than a month after diagnosis… Scared and Confused

Day 3 Diabetes Blog Week: Clean it Out

Today’s topic: Clean it Out

Yesterday we kept stuff in, so today let’s clear stuff out.  What is in your diabetic closet that needs to be cleaned out?  This can be an actual physical belonging, or it can be something you’re mentally or emotionally hanging on to.  Why are you keeping it and why do you need to get rid of it?  (Thank you Rick of RA Diabetes for this topic suggestion.)

Even though we’ve only been doing this a year, we already have so much hoarded.  I would say we have 9 glucose readers with their lancets and some test strips.  We have lots of papers, manuals, instructions, etc.  We bought a special cabinet for the supplies to keep in my daughter’s room and it’s overflowing.  It’s so hard to throw these things away because ‘what if’ we need them.  I can only imagine the collection we’ll have in another few years.

Day 1 Diabetes Blog Week: I Can

Today’s topic: I Can

In the UK, there was a diabetes blog theme of “I can…”  that participants found wonderfully empowering.  So lets kick things off this year by looking at the positive side of our lives with diabetes.  What have you or your loved one accomplished, despite having diabetes, that you weren’t sure you could?  Or what have you done that you’ve been particularly proud of?  Or what good thing has diabetes brought into your life?  (Thank you to the anonymous person who submitted this topic suggestion.)

Last year when my daughter first found out about being diagnosed with type 1 she thought about quitting softball, a sport she truly loved, because there was just so much to deal with and she wasn’t sure if she could do it. I encouraged her to really think about it and to take her time making the decision.  After a week, she went back to attending games and practices. After a few more weeks, she was determined to continue playing and played for the summer league.  I really think that by choosing to play instead of quitting, she told herself and Type 1 that she can do anything. It gave her something to look forward to, something to take her mind off of things, it gave her motivation, and it gave her hope.

Z is for Zig-Zag


It’s the last day and I am glad to have completed the challenge.

Today I chose Zig-Zag.  One thing I noticed when I look at my daughters CGM charts is the zig-zag effect. Eat they go up, take insulin they go down.  Get excited they go up, rest they come down. Sometimes there is a big Zag that takes a while to come down or that’s unexplained.  It can be frustrating when that happens. As we continue on the journey there will be plenty of zigs and zags in our future but hopefully we will learn something and make new friends on the way.

Y is for Yay!

Yay! Only one more day of the challenge.    I think it was good to force myself to write everyday but I don’t think I am cut out to do this everyday.  I will be doing the Diabetes Blog Week May 11-17 and then take things from there. I started writing after my daughters diagnosis because I couldn’t find any blogs by parents with newly diagnosed teenagers.  I have found more blogs in the past year, but none that really speak to the same issues.  I am still working on being a part of the DOC.

I have started following a few blogs from the challenge and maybe gained a few more followers (thanks!).  So I will call it a success. I know I need to work on expressing my thoughts better and finding my voice so we’ll see what happens next.

V is for Vacation

Going lighten things up a little today and talk about Vacation.  I am a beach lover and do not feel content unless I’ve spent a few days at the beach each year. My husband enjoys the beach but isn’t as addicted as I am, neither are the kids.  One year we went to Tennessee instead and everyone seemed to enjoy it but me (maybe we just had bad weather, but I wanted to spend time on the lake and it was just too cold for that).  Last year both kids got stung by a jellyfish so they insist that they will not be going into the ocean this year (trip is already booked so to late to change it).  I have been trying to think of something different for the next year.  We live in a rural, sorta mountain-y location so that’s not really something we would want on vacation.  My daughter would like to see Mt. Rushmore or the Grand Canyon but I’m not sure about that either. A cruse would suit me but it’s similar to the ocean/beach and it would be nice to do something different.  Anyone have any ideas to share?

T is for Trouble

Someone is in trouble – just not sure who.  I got a call from the school asking ‘Who is going on the band trip with your daughter today?” Umm, excuse me?  I didn’t know I was responsible for finding someone, especially 3 hrs before they leave. I understand being understaffed and not being able to attend but the lack of communication is so upsetting.  I know not many people read this especially others with children with Type 1 but I wish I knew what others would do in this situation.  I actually called her Dr. to ask if she could go alone (without a nurse) since it was a short trip after lunch and during a time when she is usually ok.  I actually trust my daughter to take care of herself but I know there is always a chance something could go wrong.  However as her broken finger has taught us, diabetes is not the only thing that can go wrong and bad things can happen to anyone at anytime.  I want her to be independent and feel like she can take care of herself so right now I am fine how things went, just not with how the school handled things yet again.