Blog and Pump update

I thought I could do this blogging thing but turns out I am not doing great at it.  I feel so scatter-brained and unable to complete any thoughts and sometimes there is so much I want to say and sometimes I just want to bottle it up and not think about it.  I  am basically just overwhelmed.
My daughter is doing well with the pump, we are adjusting.  We have had some issues with the insertions sites and that can get frustrating for both of us.  Somethings are easier and some are just different. I do think in the long run it will be great for her but now we are just figuring it out as we go.
We have scheduled the sensor training and I am excited about that.

Just a few more days

We do have a date set for training.  It was hard to find a day that might work but hopefully we’ll get it going.  I am still a little nervous and apprehensive but my daughter is excited so I hope it all goes well. She is playing volleyball so it’s going to be interesting to see how we work it out with that activity.

I think the reason I am nervous is I feel like we are in a good routine and managing thing so well that now we have to ‘relearn’ some things and do things differently.  I have also read about some cons with the inserts and sensors and am nervous about it being more painful, falling off, and the tubing being a pain.  We don’t do the CGMsensor until a couple of weeks after starting the pump.  I also would love to be able to hack it but the CGM in the cloud movement seems to work with the Dexcom better.  I would love to be able to see her numbers when not together.

So I am hopeful and we will see how it goes.

Waiting game

We have the pump however it’s been sitting in the box for 3 weeks now with no scheduled training.  It’s a bummer.  When we got it, my daughter and I went through and checked it all out.  We did some of the online training one Saturday (about 5 hours) and then the waited to hear about the in-person training. And waited. And waited.  I have reached out through various avenues (calling/emailing the last rep I spoke with, emailing the Dr. office for advise, reaching out to Karen at for advise).  I have heard from some contacts in the company but am still waiting to hear from the trainer. So it’s a little disappointing and it’s hard to explain to my daughter to be patient when the pump is sitting RIGHT THERE.  I told her it would take a while but I just wish they would have given us a timeline.  Not hearing from anyone for over a week when you expected only a couple of days is frustrating.  I hope to hear something firmer by Monday or we might need to rethink working with this company and try something else.